Basic & Advanced Obedience Training

Basic Obedience

No matter the age, personality, size, or breed – the stronger the foundation, the stronger the dog. We understand that this isn’t as easy as it sounds. Stress, environment, motivation, and drive, are all factors in success. Our goal is to provide the dog and dog/owner team with the knowledge, structure, and building blocks necessary to thrive in all canine focus areas.

Advanced Obedience

Dog training doesn’t happen overnight. Time, patience, knowledge and skill are required to teach and deliver off-leash obedience. Reserved for dogs and dog/owner teams who have mastered the basics and want to grow their skills, CTO’s advanced obedience program offers multiple areas for increased control and responsiveness. These include, but are not limited to increased real-world distractions and social scenarios, attention control, advanced recall, in-motion commands, hand signals, and advanced heeling. You don’t need to be interested in showing or competing with your dog to benefit from advanced obedience.

Why Choose CTO Dog Training?

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